Piece Your Life Back Together With Alcohol Advice UK
Perhaps you are a high-functioning alcoholic who is able to keep your life together while drinking in secret. Or maybe alcohol has dragged you down so much that you have lost your job, your home and your family. Wherever you are and however you got there, I can help you to piece your life back together again.
When you make the call to Alcohol Advice UK, you will have the opportunity to speak to people who understand what you are going through. You can speak in total confidence in a safe and supportive environment. Many of my clients speak about a weight being lifted after that very first session and a wave of hope washing over them. For many, it is the relief of admitting they have a problem. For others, it is knowing that they are doing something for themselves and their family that will have positive life-changing results.
What is NAD+ Intravenous Therapy?
I make it my mission in life to seek out the best treatment for my clients. On one of my knowledge-hunting expeditions, I came across a revolutionary intravenous therapy involving nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
NAD is a coenzyme that is present in all living cells. Its primary function is to convert the energy from food into cellular energy. In turn, this energy can be used for restoring balance in the brain and returning it to a state of homeostasis. When you abuse harmful and addictive substances such as alcohol, your brain will build a dependency for them. The only way the brain will restore balance is by using more of the substance whether it is illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs.
NAD is designed to replace these substances and help the body to restore balance to your brain and by association, your life.
Support For You And Your Loved Ones
When you book a rehab session at Alcohol Advice UK, you will have the opportunity to speak to people who understand what you are going through. You can speak in total confidence in a safe and supportive environment. Many of my clients speak about a weight being lifted after that very first session and a wave of hope washing over them. For many, it is the relief of admitting they have a problem. For others, it is knowing that they are doing something for themselves and their family that will have positive life-changing results.
To get professional, understanding and confidential help with your alcohol addiction, speak to Alcohol Advice UK today. We’re here for you all the way and will show you there is life on the other side.